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Our Children Depend On Us.

When family members act as advocates, their children do better. Educators, physicians, employers, and elected leaders want the best for you, your family and your community. They count on you to let them know what would be helpful. Expressing your needs is advocacy.

Your Kids, Your Story, and Your Solution Matter.

Below you will find several resources to read and to help you start your journey toward advocating. No matter how “big” or “small” you think your impact will be, your story matters. After all, before becoming governor, Maggie Hassan was a typical mom trying to get the best services for her child with disabilities. Read her story here.



Check out our library of resources for anyone wishing to use their voice to advocate for children.

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Parent Voices

Hear and learn from others who have used their voice to advocate for their children.



We are not offering My Voice Matters trainings at this time. Please check back at another time and thank you for your patience.

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