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9th Annual Summit Strengthening Families Summit: Parents Leading the Way

Concord, NH— New Hampshire Children’s Trust (NHCT) will hold its 9th annual Strengthening Families Summit: Parents Leading the Way on September 22, 2021. The virtual conference will draw providers, community leaders and parents from New Hampshire and beyond. Based on the Strengthening Families Framework, each Summit focuses on building protective factors that promote healthy family outcomes and on strategies to promote them.

“Every family has strengths,” says Maria Doyle, NHCT Family Support Programs Manager. “Protective factors are strengths that families build from the inside out to help them weather challenges and be their best. The last eighteen months have shown us how families rise to the occasion of meeting challenges and in the power of neighbors supporting neighbors. There is no better time, to shine a light on parents helping other parents be their best.

This year we turn our focus to the very heart of that Framework: Parents as experts of their own experience using their voices to advocate for their families, improve their communities, and build more family-centered systems through policy change. Our keynote speaker is Robin Higa, Executive Director of The Community Café Collaborative and founder of the Community Café Approach.

“It is such a privilege to have Robin Higa with us as we explore the power of parent leadership. The Community Café Approach recognizes parents and caregivers as key partners in civic engagement and seeks to cultivate dialogues and examine diverse perspectives. Community Cafés are designed to create inclusive, collaborative spaces where participants can connect, engage, and be heard in decisions that impact their lives,” says Joelyn Drennan, NHCT Senior Programs Director

The Summit is sponsored by the following:

Champion Sponsor: NH Charitable Foundation

Community Sponsor: Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock

Family Sponsors: Bank of New Hampshire, Department of Health and Human Services-Maternal and Child Health

Friend Sponsors: BackBay Networks, Mount Prospect Academy, Northeast Delta Dental, NH Healthy Families

Neighbor Sponsors: Associated Grocers of New England, Catholic Charities-NH, Diocese of Manchester, Keane and Macdonald, PC, Kennebunk Savings, MomsRising, National Alliance on Mental Illness-NH, New Futures, NH Association for Infant Mental Health, NH Chapter-American Academy of Pediatrics, NH Children’s Health Foundation, NFI North, Spaulding Academy and Family Services, UpReach Therapeutic Riding, Well Sense Health Plan, Youth Villages

Parent Leaders attend for FREE, and admission is only $50 for providers and other professionals. Find more information and register here:

New Hampshire Children’s Trust ensures parents have access to high-quality resources and support to help children develop the skills they need to thrive. We educate direct-service professionals, advocate for better policies to support parents, and connect with local agencies to strengthen families and lay the foundation for children's success. The mission of NHCT is to lead the drive to ensure safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments for children by educating, advocating, and collaborating.

For more information about New Hampshire Children’s Trust visit



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