The New Hampshire Children’s Trust is proud to welcome you to the national #IAmPrevention campaign for 2022!
Every April our nation gathers to recognize all the ways we can work together to create and sustain safe, stable, and nurturing environments for children. It is work that requires cross-sector collaboration, meaningful conversations, and awareness efforts that build supportive communities and stronger families. And it is through these efforts that we can prevent child abuse and neglect.
As the state-wide chapter for Prevent Child Abuse America, the Children’s Trust has organized three virtual events with thought leaders from the Granite State that will look at the steps we can all take in our lives to ensure New Hampshire kids and caregivers have what they need to be successful.
The schedule:
You are Prevention: The Role of Relationships (April 14, 6-7:30 p.m.) Facilitated by Michele Holt-Shannon - Director, NH Listens at the Carsey School of Public Policy; featuring Kirsten Durzy - Digital Storyteller, Our Story NH; and Michelle Kolias - Family Services Manager, Community Action Partnership of Strafford County. Learn from members of successful community engagement programs how authentic collaboration and deep listening has impacted our communities and the lives of families.
We are Prevention: Engaging Community at All Levels (April 14, 12-1:30 pm) Hosted by Scott Spradling - President, The Spradling Group; featuring Brian Beals, MD - Pediatrician, Coos Family Health Services; Brenda Guggisberg - Executive Director, The Upper Room; Joelle Martin - Executive Director & Co-Founder, Milford Thrives, and Cassie Yackley, Psy.D., PLLC - Trainer & Consultant, Trauma Responsive Practices/Systems. Join us for this energizing conversation anchored in building systems across sectors that strengthen families and promote safe, stable, and nurturing environments for children.
Be Prevention: Advocating for a Stronger NH (April 26, 12-1:30 pm) Presented by New Futures - Emma Sevigny, Children’s Behavioral Health Policy Coordinator & Rebecca Woitkowski, Esq., Kids Count Policy Director. Have you ever wondered how to make your voice heard when it matters? New Futures is the lead nonpartisan organization in the state that advocates, educates, and collaborates to improve the health and wellness of all Granite State residents through policy change. Come and learn how your stories matter and their impact on legislative decisions.
Prevention is an action we can all take, no matter where we live. Whether it is watching a neighbor’s child, connecting a caregiver to family resources, sharing parenting strategies, or advocating for family-friendly policies – Prevention means each of us embracing our role in making sure New Hampshire families have what they need to thrive.
Visit nhchildrenstrust.org to be Prevention today!
Prevention Month is brought to you by the following sponsors:
New Hampshire Department of Education, Children's Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock, New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, Nixon Peabody LLP, and Path Resorts