Are you Parenting a Second Time Around?
Then a PASTA group may be right for you!
PASTA is a free support group for grandparents and other family caregivers in the position of raising children again.
Hear what others have said about PASTA:
"Every bit of the information has been useful - legal information especially!"
"The first workshop helped me to deal with my own frustrations as a grandparent caregiver."
"I learned how to stand up for my rights in the 5th workshop - this gave me hope that we will be heard."
"Thank you for letting me know that there are others in my situation and there is support and help."
PASTA is a curriculum based on helping grandparents and other kinship caregivers build skills, develop supports, and offers ideas to relieve stress, stay healthy, and care for yourself while caring for others.
PASTA is a service provided by NH Kinship Navigators under the statewide Kinship Navigation Program.