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Nominate a Family Service Volunteer

Since 2010, New Hampshire Children’s Trust has presented the Lucy Fowlkes Breed Award to an exceptional individual who has dedicated their time and efforts to strengthening families and communities across New Hampshire through volunteer work. Candidates will have volunteered in direct service at a New Hampshire organization that serves children or families. Volunteer work must have been done within the past two years. A celebration will take place and a monetary award will be presented at the October 29th, Strengthening Families Summit.

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Lucy Fowlkes Breed served as a founding trustee on the Board of NH Children's Trust, dedicating fourteen years as a board member, eight of those years as board chair.  Knowing there was a need in the community, Lucy also founded and was the volunteer facilitator of the “New Moms” group at the Children’s Place and Parent Education Center—a Family Resource Center in Concord.

Nominations are closed!

Previous Lucy Fowlkes Breed Awardees

2010: Tia Parr, Northfield, volunteer at the Children's Place and Parent Education Center


2012: Josephine Bailey, Manchester, volunteer at Easter Seals


2014: Roger Kosits, Laconia, volunteer at the Autism Center at Lakes Region Community Services


2016: Joy Moody, Tilton, volunteer at the Greater Tilton Family Resource Center


2018: Heidi Matthews Cantin, Manchester, volunteer at YWCA NH


2019: Millie LaFontaine, Concord, volunteer at Friends Youth Mentoring Program


2020: Jocelynn Drew, Antrim, volunteer at the Avenue A Teen & Community Center


2021: Terri Clyde, Merrimack, volunteer at the Nashua Adult Learning Center


2022: Miranda Terry, Brookline, volunteer at Brookline School District PTO


2023: Cindy Brenner, Goffstown, volunteer at Foster and Adoptive Resource and Exchange


2024: Dr. Leo Sandy, Chesterfield, volunteer at the Family Connections Center at the NH Department of Corrections

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