The Strengthening Families™ online training draws upon the 5 Protective Factors and addresses strategies practitioners, direct service providers, and parents can use to focus on individual strengths and areas of improvement within a positive and uplifting framework in order to improve the well-being of parents and children.
This curriculum consists of seven courses, each approximately two hours in length:
1. Introduction
2. Concrete Support in Times of Need
3. Parental Resilience
4. Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development
5. Social and Emotional Competence
6. Social Connections
7. Knowledge to Action
The paid version of this course affords CEUs for early childhood education professionals. If you require only general professional development hours, please select the free version of each course and submit each certificate of completion to your employer for approval. Taken in its entirety, this training provides a total of 14 professional development hours or 1.4 CEUs.
Additionally, this training is open to anyone who would like to learn more about the protective factors. If you would like to take this training to learn how to identify and build on the 5 Protective Factors in your own life, please select the free version of each course as well.
This training is made possible by the National Alliance of Children's Trust and Prevention Funds.